
New balls please!

Wimbledon fever has just about calmed down here in the UK, but there’s no reason why a handsome hound can’t still request some new balls (no sniggering please, I just heard Mum say to Dad that the ‘special operation’ is in the diary for early August)!

Anyhow, as you know, I have my humans very well trained. So they didn’t just get me a few new balls, they got…well…THESE:


Also brilliant this spring/summer has been Mum’s discovery of a new beach at Sandwich Bay after Dad got fined £75 for taking me for a dip on Dover seafront (where they’ve changed the rules on canine companions)…ouch! Anyway, forget Dover Beach. It’s so yesterday. Sandwich Bay is THE place to be. Check me out:

Hasselhoff eat your heart out...

Step aside David Hasselhoff…

Could be treasure. Could be a dead fish. The same thing you say?

Could be treasure. Could be a dead fish. The same thing you say?

In other news, more than the aforementioned body parts are due to get the chop. No really! Mum has also scheduled in a haircut for this Friday apparently. Here’s why:

Forget photo bombing, fluff bombing is all the rage!

Forget photo bombing, fluff bombing is all the rage!

I’m pretty sure she is the one in dire need of a makeover, but given that she will have to feed me the meat off a whole chicken (or a block of cheese) to get me to sit still on the grooming table, maybe I’ll put up with it for a bit 🙂

Hope you guys are well out there and having as nice a time as me!

H x


2 thoughts on “New balls please!

  1. Excellent post – beach looks fab – as  do you of ocurse. Where’s the ball picture??  xx

    From: Hectors House To: Sent: Tuesday, 12 July 2016, 22:17 Subject: [New post] New balls please! #yiv0251697196 a:hover {color:red;}#yiv0251697196 a {text-decoration:none;color:#0088cc;}#yiv0251697196 a.yiv0251697196primaryactionlink:link, #yiv0251697196 a.yiv0251697196primaryactionlink:visited {background-color:#2585B2;color:#fff;}#yiv0251697196 a.yiv0251697196primaryactionlink:hover, #yiv0251697196 a.yiv0251697196primaryactionlink:active {background-color:#11729E;color:#fff;}#yiv0251697196 | cavyadventures posted: “Wimbledon fever has just about calmed down here in the UK, but there’s no reason why a handsome hound can’t still request some new balls (no sniggering please, I just heard Mum say to Dad that the ‘special operation’ is in the diary for early August)!” | |

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